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Alhambra Live is looking for quality tributes

The venue:

Alhambra Live is a new live music venue on the sea front in Morecambe, Lancashire. Our mission is to create a well know stopping off venue for UK tours and build the reputation of the venue for quality production and promotion through booking amazing tribute and original live music acts.

The venue has a state of the art Logic Systems line array and facilities to run twelve or more foldback mixes on stage. The current quality of the installed production rivals the very best venues in the UK and around the world.

The venue also has the ability to run digital multitrack recording and multicamera video production for all the shows that come through. In short, we can generate a lot of digital media (both audio & video) that would be of use to your show and our ability to promote your show upon your next visit.

And last but not least, we have in-house marketing & promotion expertise to help sell your tickets far and wide. We use extremely clever online / digital systems to promote our shows that are beyond most venues in the UK and around the world.

The venue can be configured for 300, 500 or 700 people, either seated or standing.

The people:

Andrew – A digital marketing & promotion consultant, pro audio and pro video engineer. On the digital marketing side, he specialises in promoting shows and events. On the video side, he creates wedding films and produces videos of shows to help promotion efforts online for said shows and commercial products that find their way to merchandise tables.

Darryl – A highly experienced pro audio engineer and is responsible for all the production requirements for the venue. He supplies all the production equipment from PA to mics to monitors and lights. On the night, he runs the front of house console and handles all technical discussions with visiting bands and shows.

Fiona – Fiona runs all aspects of the venue, whether it comes to the bars, the seating, organising security and everything in between.

In short, Alhambra Live is a venue run by live music fans, for live music fans.

What do we want?

To kick start the venue, we are looking for tribute bands of all types, that regularly sell 200+ tickets due to the quality of their show. Tribute bands must be good quality shows because we cannot afford to put lesser quality shows through the venue during our first year of building our audience. Our mission is to consistently blow the audience away each and every time we run an event, thereby turning the audience into our very own ambassadors.

As the venue does not currently have a regular audience it can easily reach, we are looking for partners (that’s you) who understand our long term goal of building that audience and hence understand that the sole objective isn’t just to make lots of money on a first visit but rather to help build our audience and reap the rewards in years two and three. We will certainly always be pushing to maximise our ticket sales at every show we promote, but some things will always take time to build. We have a three year (three shows per live act) plan to build those ticket numbers.

The kind of shows we are looking for are popular, commercial and sellable. We’re looking for tributes to The Beatles, The Who, Madonna, Abba, Michael Jackson, The Stones, Mowtown, soul, disco, rock music and everything in between. But it cannot be niche. Put simply, if the original artist sells stadiums, we’re very interested in your tribute show.

What’s on offer?

The standard deal we offer to all visiting tribute shows is a 70/30 after costs, with costs capped at an absolute maximum of £1,800.00 (we’ve never hit our max spend cap yet). We normally price tickets at £16.50 with a view to increasing that upwards to £22.00 over the coming three years. Only by building a quality reputation will we be able to sustain that ticket price swing.

We realise this is a fairly hefty cost base but we’d also like to point out that we are in phase one of our launch which is to build our regular audience from scratch. The current cost cap allows us a very healthy marketing and promotion budget to bring tickets sales in for any good quality live event. Year two will see those acts returning to really reap the benefits of their first visit, with our ability to reach and secure ticket sales from a returning audience.

Check out the venue here!

What should you do?

Do you have a tribute show worthy of a bigger stage and world class production? Are you interested in building your available digital media (audio & video) to help promote your show in the future and maybe create products you can sell to your audience? Can your show sell tickets? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you’re probably an ideal show for Alhambra Live. Please get in touch. We have lots of Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to fill for 2022 and beyond.

To get in touch, send us some information about your band / show, along with a link to your website, your Facebook page and video of your show in action. Here’s the email address: