In the interests of protecting our customers, staff and visiting shows, we’ve put together a robust Covid-19 plan for our immediate future. This plan will run until such time as Covid-19 is deemed to not be a threat to live events and our ability to run those events. The plan is designed to bring peace of mind to our customers so you can be sure that we are doing everything we can to stay safe in these troubled times.
Whilst it is true that the UK Government has removed most of the rules we were required to follow in reducing the spread of Covid-19, many of those rules made good, common sense.

Our Six Point Plan
Please do not visit our venue if you:
Believe you have been infected with Covid-19
Are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or have done in the last ten days
Have been in direct contact with anyone known to have tested positive for Covid-19
Are currently being advised or required for any reason to self isolate